"Most local CPAs do not have the expertise to offer the hiring tax credit service. Specialists such as Reliant Tax Consulting, Inc. offer such services. Reliant Tax Consulting, Inc. has obtained significant tax refunds for our clients and we recommend them to business owners."
- Frederic J. Selwyn Accountancy Corp. (Los Angeles, California)
"...we may be a small company, but Reliant Tax Consulting obtained for us a huge cash tax refund..."
- Dental Office (Los Angeles, California)
"...Reliant Tax Consulting made obtaining the research tax credit easy..."
- Start Up Business (Palmdale, California)
"Their expertise in the tax credit programs and professionalism made the whole experience very pleasant and enjoyable...I received a significant tax refund; surpassed anything we could have done on our own or through our CPA. I highly recommend Reliant Tax Consulting, Inc. to service anyone interested in saving tax dollars."
- Wholesaler (Fresno, California)
"The [Reliant] staff is professional and pleasure to work with. They are very knowledgeable and helped me understand how my business could claim the tax benefits. Reliant is truly amazing and exceeded my expectations...Reliant coordinated with my CPA and obtained my tax refunds. I am very satisfied with the services.
- Manufacturer (Fresno, California)